Friday 10 April 2015

Inner beauts.


We all love free times. Kita semua suka masa lapang, masa yang mana kita tidak terkejar-kejar untuk melakukan sesuatu tugasan. Or mungkin masa yang mana we have more power to manipulate ourself into doing nothing coz we are so free! Memang kerja-kerja itu mungkin sentiasa ada, tapi ada sesetengah waktu yang mana ruang untuk diri ternyata lebih luas dan aman. Ruang yang kita cipta sendiri. Cuti musim bunga berbaki tak lebih tiga hari. I was home the entire day.

Pernah tak rasa macam you have all the time, daripada pagi sampai ke petang or malam, tapi tak tahu apa yang dah buat. time flew just like that. For me, that's a sound indication that I haven't done something meaningful today. And oh how it made you feel so restless. 

You have all day to rest, and you feel even more restless.



Usually, when it comes to this. We'll go for some pages of Al quran or make some house chores to feel a little bit better. Tapi you know what, I guess sometimes, what you do for larger portion of the day will really determine the amount of good things you have to do to actually feel better later. 
Get it? 

Ok lah. So i watched 3 movies today (i know, banyak kan? T.T) and of between getting breakfast, naik turun tangga (bilik kat attic), solat zuhur, made lunch, and suddenly it's asar- which was around 5pm. What have i done the entire day. You know when we have to summarize essay, we have to take down isi-isi penting? Well if i were to summarize today, i just knew that i wont be too happy. 

 So, i'm in the process of neutralising my day. And this blog post is one of the things hasil daripada proses ni. I was going through some videos of talks in youtube from wardina, prog The Bidadari konvensyen and so on.


One of the talk by Ustazah Norhafizah Musa was on 'DiriMu memang Cantik' (muslimat). Dont ask me how i get to this. dah memang jump in from one place to another on topik2 sisters kan. lol But because it relates so much to what i was searching for today, i just need to share it.

فصبر جميل

In the Quran, Allah said that patience is beautiful.

So kata ustazah, beautiful(which is subjective) people are those who are patient. Kita nampak seseorang cantik bila he/she punya hati tenang, redha dan sabar.

In psychology, this is called self-acceptance which eventually florishes to confidence and happiness/positivity. I recalled reading one of the therapy for some people having problems such as Body Dysmorphic Disorder(BDD), low confidence or depression (low self esteem) which involved talking to yourself. Contohnya, beradaa di depan cermin dan cakap something like, ' I accept myself. I love myself for who I am and I'm happy.'

and it's very, very interesting that Islam offers us a definition much bigger than that. Ustazah cakap, why not hug yourself every night and instead of apa yang disarankan oleh psychologist, we talk to ourself dari kaca mata seorang muslim.

There's three things, ustazah mentioned :

1. Ya Allah, aku redha dengan diri aku.

2. Ya Allah, aku sayang akan diriku sebagai amanah daripadaMu (meaning that we'll avoid from menzalimi diri)

3. Ya Allah, Aku maafkan diriku akan kesalahan yang pernah aku lakukan dan Engkau jauhh lebih pemaaf daripada diriku.

Three elements; redha (ultimate acceptance), Self-loving and Self-forgiving.

Three things you can implement in yourself to become better spiritually day by day. To become a beautiful soul. I said soul because this is not about what you are on the outside. Rather, it was how you manage your feelings and emotion dalam membentuk sabar, redha dan sayang.

Inside out

Whatever we have inside of us, it will be seen outside. Ustazah cakap, cuba tengok balik what people always say when they see you.

Contohnya, this one person each time orang jumpa dia, people will ask her; 'Awak demam ke.' or ' Awak sakit ke?' or 'nampak letih je'

even when she's not (most of the time). 

Cuba cek. mungkin dalaman kita tidak gembira. mungkin dalaman kita tak sabar. or  mungkin kita tak sakit tapi iman kita sakit?

peh peh peh.

deep sangat ustazah. Harap lepas ni jumpa orang takde yang tetiba ' kau sakit ke meni?'. 

Kalau ' kau bahagia ke meni?'
Haa, yang ni takpe. lol




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