Sunday 1 June 2014

Marriage ain't trivial matter.


           Yesterday, a neighbour of mine came over to our house to pass on some food they made at home.. After some time catching up with each other, such good new we received that she's getting married this summer. She's 23 y/o this year. My teaching partner, my usrahmate and a really good friend. I was genuinely happy for her.

Semoga Allah permudahkan everything girl. InsyaAllah. 

I have a plan too-though missing the big part of it ( that's His job).
Work on what you can at this point. Dig up for knowledge and make yourself better muslim and human being generally (as member of society).
Why would people always put this into some kind of a joke when the idea get passed around? Why people would actually tease when it's actually a big part of our deen.... big enough to be given serious thought to at the very early stage?

 I feel that it is not a trivial matter. 
As much as I'm putting plans to getting my degree and passing my exam to get into schools, this is just part of my future that needs to be well-planned and given adequate attention. 



Final paper lusa ni insyaAllah. Physiology. k, sambung study.

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