Wednesday 6 November 2013

what did i do?


it has been a while, isn't it? Life has been good so far. 
alhamdulillah. lantunan syukur kepada Tuhan yang masih memberi peluang untuk ku terus bernafas dan memohon keampunan atas dosa2 yang lalu. atas kelalaian dan kealpaan saat iman rapuh dan atas konsep 'ehsan' yang tiba-tiba seolah2 tidak pernah aku tahu. enak berbuat dosa dengan hadirnya malaikat mencatit segala hal meski sekecil2 biji sawi. Allahu!

mata yang tak terjaga. hati yang tak terlindung. mulut yang tak berlapik. 
astaghfirullah. astaghfirullah.astagfirullah.

Daripada Ibn Abbas R.A, Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda : Dua nikmat yang sering dirugikan oleh manusia adalah nikmat sihat dan masa lapang.

'apabila kita tidak disibukkan dengan kebaikan, nescaya kita akan disibukkan dengan kebatilan'

Hence, i try my best to fill my time with something that give value to my time *other than studying.
i volunteer as a teacher, helping the post graduates' children to understand Islam, Fardhu Ain and apparently, Bahasa Melayu. It was one of the thing that i most probably enjoy the most. to be surrounded by these innocent minds and bombarded with question i find interesting and brought me thinking many times. 

i'm treating this as an escapism from the worldly matters and student obligations faced every other day. It's the kind of thing you do to feel a little bit 'human' inside. I went to help for Charity week organised by ISOC. it is one of the joyous moment i had too considering how many great friend i encountered, lovely sisters that greets you with much warmth and home-y hugs. 

I've got a lot of free time that i delved into another passion of mine which is baking. this is one of thing that put a smile on my face. what i love most is really, to pack those cakes/cookies or anything and give it to another person. it gives me pleasures. Even Rasullullah p.b.u.h said that giving gift to each other can strengthen the love you had for each other (mantaining silaturrahim).

children and food, just the two thing i love the most.

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