Saturday 2 February 2013

IUMC interview #2

20th January

this was the second interview that i had which was the day right after the one with pmc. so, less time to actually prepare.good thing both are for ireland  so i dont have to look up so much each time. but still, need to dig up more ethical issues and medical stuff.

this time, my session was quite early. it was at 9.20 am. a lot of my colleagues got  the same interview offers for iumc. all for different unis. namely, UCC(cork) ,UCD(dublin) ,NUI(galway), and Trinity.  we had to depart at 6.45. after subuh at surau, i went straight to the guard house. we are on our first trip.about 6-7 of us. Some students went by themselves. it was held at Grand Millenium Hotel which was just beside the pavilion *osem*

so, when we ended up in this huge and luxurious hotel.. a guy lead us to the boardroom. we initially planned to have breakfast first but we found out it was already served for students. we had our breakfast then.

oh, one funny thing. there's this coffee-brewing machine at the table. i went for a cup of coffee since i'm head over heels for caffein :p but the problem is i never used one,so i called syifa. what do we do? planning in our head the possible mechanism of the machine, we took the cups and scrutinized the labelled menu . there's latte, cappucino, coffee and what not. there a picture sign of a cup and 2 cup-which, i can't figure out why. so, i clicked on the one with one cup and mocha.*actually x ingt jnis coffee mna satu. so, the thing is, there's two place the coffee may come out. so i put my coffee at the left side but guess what, it's actually the one on the right. *sigh* result, i had half filled cup of coffee. typical me. then , husam came. he also wanted to have a cup of coffee. so, we r a bit confident on how to use the machine now.haha telling him what to do, we stayed  there a bit longer. the he clicked on the label with the two cups sign. then we panicked, lol coz it may mean that it's for two cups. so, he was taken aback given the possibility and reached out for another cup in queue. and... it was actually for a cup. we ended up laughing out loud in embarrassment. i think the 2 cups sign is for the richness of the coffee coz he's coffee is super-dark and  bitter.

As i said, my interview was a bit early. half hour before my turn, i was called to sit outside of the boardroom for  Cork's interview. i was told that there were two interviewers. a slightly older man(Tom) and a younger woman. i was always told by people around me that Irish people were probably the nicest and friendliest people whom you might encounter. That brings slight hope and relief in me.

so, here we go.

A petite young woman, with a cheerful smile on her face gestured me "Amni?" i nodded at once. " oh, nice to meet you, come in" with a pat on my back, she greeted me and asked me whether i had breakfast or not and introduced herself and Tom, the man sitting next to him.

question asked:
 tell me about where you come from.
so, i talked about kelantan a lot.

why ireland? why cork?
mention about the culture and how i like the fact that ireland had lots of its greenery kept safe and untouched by development. coming from kelantan, i feel that this kind of environment will give slight feeling of home though being far in reality. love nature. that's it. and tell them about, having great interest in the way they educate the students as told by my superseniors who were currently studying there.

tell me about Interfaith Dialogue you had organised and lesson learnt.
i enjoyed talking about this. telling them how i came from a background which was very different and being able to joined in this kind of programme and student council had actually helped me to be independent, open-minded, cooperative and able to lead and listen well.

they asked how i will adapt myself.
of course. the first thing i'll do it to make friends with everyone. and don't stick to only your group. be brave enough in learning process
* i might be a quiet  girl at times, but i do know when is the right time to be bold and confident.*

no ethical issue.
no medical question.
 the asked a lot about me. my past time hobby. they probably wanted to see how i occupied my free time. so, i gladly shared my other passion which is cooking. they asked type of food i've made and why i like to cook.

they were just sooo very nice. nodding and smiling all the time. i feel so relaxed as if it's just a conversation with a friend. i asked a question at the very last. asking them their honest opinion on the way malaysian students were carrying themselves in Cork. they said "they were largely nice, polite, well-behaved groups of students. but tend to stick together and sometimes a bit timid  and not out-spoken. i hope you'll be braver and able to lead when in Cork"

i nodded " i do hope so sir, and i will"

so, it ended like that. i feel that it went well at first. but then you realised everyone was thinking the same way. each time i asked someone how it goes, they said the same thing. "it was okay, they were friendly and the interview went well." so,  i dont know what to expect. i really dont.

"quesera, quesera.."


 i want to go to cork so badly. May Allah ease. me and syifa. housemate nanti okayh?
i don't mind the cooking :P



  1. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.... InsyaAllah..
    hehe... Aq pon hope the same thing... Doa banyak2, semoga ada rezeki kita di Cork. =')
