Thursday 29 December 2011

random ~

this is fun, Randomly listing all the things about me-

suka ice cream dlm cup better that ice cream stick-except tropicana
-x suka sport *klau untuk match but for fun with friend -yes.
-tom yam craze
-biological clock at college = i sleep at 12.oo a.m-+ and wake up at 5.30 a.m
-hate physic, math-occasionally
-dlm kereta suka duduk seat 2nd line, tepi window sblh kanan.
- prefer memasak dri mengemas.
-love to bake 
-like cheese
-jrg tngk tv. x suka drama@apa2 yg bersiri(sbb slalunya x smpat nk follow up pon) suka tngk movie lg.
-drive kereta laju klau sorang2,* em, tak pon.80km/h+ :P-ikut keadaan.
-suka jatuhkan barang. seriusly >.<"
-clumsy at times.
-prefer to be alone when i'm sad.
-telur sparuh masak best kan?
-like KIDS :D a lot! >.<
-nk jd pediatrician .amin2
-x suka gejala kapel dan swktu dgnnya.
-suka dengar dari bercakap.
-x suka dengar lagu jnis bsing. like easy-listening songs. instrumental will be better-oh, piano especially ^^
-bka fb hari2. like a morning paper dah -.- tp, fb ok what?gna baik2 lah :)
- baik beli brg yg murah tp functioning as well dri beli brg mahal dgn function yg sama.*msh tak paham tngk org g beli satu jam dgn harga smpai 300+, klau ikotla kan, dah boleh beli 30 bijik jam kt kedai biasa. apala sngt pd jenama -.-"
u know, slalu jd bnda yg memalukan kat aku even if sometimes when i look back to them,they are hilarious -.-
-x suka naik lif. sbb byk kali terjadi. nk g tingkat lain,tp kalut sngt la kaan nk keluar bila pintu lif terbukak, rupanya tingkat lain. klau sorg2 bleh lg cover jln je kluar dengn slamber klau ngan kawan....=.="'eh, belum lg laa'(smbil trik tngn bila aku dah nk kuar lif) maluuuu~

-ada masa, klau terpaksa aku akn jd berani.seyesly. like*asking questions or stand in front. but only-if it's necessary. *donno where the courage comes from.hmm

-angan2 nk beli kamera dslr.snap2 a lot klau travel mna.
-x pnh bosan tngk cerita p ramlee.
-suka cuaca mendung. hujan pun suka klau mlm2 :)
-suka tgk horror movie.
-ada masa malas , ada msa rajin.
-tak suka tidur siang hari.
-suka coffee.
-time wasted that we enjoy was never wasted really. sbb tu klau dh spend masa buat bnda lain yg kita suka + or bring benefit to us in a way then it's fine. g usrah ke, g maen ke, jogging ke,tngk movie skali skala.........
-like spicy food.
-suka menulis. if i started writing,it'll be a long one.mostly, stories. once, pnh terfikir nk jd author. tp manually/ typing took longer time
-enjoy talking to tourist/ expectorate .. klau g bercuti suka amik opportunity ckp dgn mat salleh.
-i like to smile.
- x suka dngar naggings.
- susah nk marah.if i get too angry,i'll cry.
-i have real best friends who will stay with me through thick and thin.
-suka jalan2. Even just walking around. Kat ky, i always take a walk and stay a while at the gazebo-doing nothing but staring the vast blue sky
-love to join usrah or any programs as such. I realise a lot of thing after that. And one thing i love about it, there’s always something to take as lesson each time.
 -i hate lolipop.
-i love to play in the rain.
-i love coffee.
-i drink a little.that's why i have to keep a drinking bottle by my side during class.
......what else.
smbung lagi.hari ni 30hb Dis 2011:
.....suka tngk cerita hindustan..what? normal la :P
x suka lipas  dan katak.
sy pernah tngk utube tngk cara doc. buat surgery. -.- tahu.mcm tak de life je. weh, best ape.
dulu, saya pernah pnjat pokok. ulg :dulu.
tak suka makan burger
setiap kali ky punya spageti night, sy x makan. sy amik roti bnyk2 dgn mushroom soup.x suka spageti.
lebih suka jalan2 dalam pasar daripada dkt mall especially yg mahal2.
suka bag pack dr back sangkut,eh er beg yg gantung tuh ,eh..apa dia pnggil ye?ksimpulannya suka bag pack lg.sekian.
suka segala mknan yg berkuah.
antara mee goreng dengan mihun goreng.mee goreng menang.antara nasi goreng dengan mihun grg dan kuey tiaw gorg, nasi goreng mng diikuti mihun goreng.kuey tiaw goreng vx char kuey tiaw, char kuey tiaw 1st .sekian.

What else.........

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